Title: “Just too busy living in the moment and surviving”: barriers to accessing health care
for structurally vulnerable populations at end-of-life (2019)

This article looks at the structurally vulnerable population and access to care when dealing with a terminal illness and dying. This population can include people who are dealing with poverty and homelessness for example.

The papers highlights some key realities for this population such as:
*Limited access to care  - for example, heath care professional who do home visit may not visit a group home or shelter as it is viewed as unsafe for them due to smoking, drug use and other factors.

*"busy living in the moment and surviving" - one participant pointed out that they are often busy looking for food, money, shelter first, before looking after their health.

This sentence from the discussion I think sums up the findings and reason for us to be inclusive of all populations perspectives within our community - "Those who do not fit into the average palliative patient population for whom palliative care programs and policies are currently built, will face significant barriers in accessing quality EOL care"