FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
1. What is the code of conduct for members of the exchange?
Click on the link(s) below to review the code of conduct (in English or French).
2. What is the purpose of the exchange and how do I get started?
Click here to watch a short video on getting started. This covers the purpose of the exchange, how to access the space (including creating an account) and how to navigate the main sections.
3. What do the icons at the top and bottom of the exchange mean?
We have created a short video on all the icons at the top and bottom of the page. This video will cover the following: translate page, envelope, group of people, bell, profile, FAQ, Pallium.ca, support email address, phone number. Click here to watch this 5 minute video.
4. What is the purpose of the latest activity, topic areas and search sections?
We have created a short video that covers latest activity, topic areas and how to search the exchange. Click here to watch this video.
5. What are the tag options and what do they mean?
Click on the link(s) below to see descriptions of the tags (in English or French).
6. How do I post in the exchange?
Watch a short how-to video that covers everything you need to know for creating posts and highlights a few types of posts. Click here to watch this 5 minute video.
7. How can I make my post engaging?
8. Who should become a member of this exchange?
If you are interested in supporting people in the community setting who are dealing with serious illness, caregiving, dying and grieving or you are working on initiatives that support this audience, become a member now.
Here are a few examples of who should be a member:
- People facilitating a community wide initiative using the Compassionate City Charter.
- Academics who are doing work in this area.
- People who are running programs to raise awareness such as death cafes, book clubs, and art exhibits.
- Organizations who are supporting community work in this area, such as provincial/territorial organizations, public health, and funding sources.
It will take many of us collaborating to create a supportive network at the community level, so if you want to contribute as a individual or an organization, join now.
9. Who owns the content (intellectual property) in the exchange?
If you have not had a chance yet, read the Code of Conduct as these details are covered there - please see FAQ #1 for a link to the Code of Conduct. The short answer is that the person posting owns the content. Pallium does not have rights over content unless it is a post done by Pallium or one of their staff.
10. Who regulates the exchange?
The exchange was designed to be self regulated, meaning the members take on the role of regulating the content. If you see something that does not fit, reach out to the member as they may not be aware or if someone is acting in a way that is not respectful, you have the right to address it in a respectful way. Of course, if you feel things are getting out of hand, you can always reach out to Pallium through the support function at the bottom of the page.
As noted, members drive the exchange and this means there is no "vetting of the content" before posting. If you have not read the Code of Conduct, please do so as these details are covered in this document. (Please refer to FAQ #1 for a link to the Code of Conduct.)
11. Who decided on the topic area and tags?
The topic areas and tags created were determined by an advisory group made up of champions in this area of work. If you are unsure which topic area to post your discussion in, please read the about section of each topic area to understand the purpose. We have also created a document to describe the tags - please see FAQ #5 for a link to this document.
If you notice that there is a need for additional tags and/or topic areas, please let us know via the support function at the bottom of the page.
12. Can I tag another member in a post I create? How can I do this?
Yes, when creating a post in one of the topic areas you can tag other members. Type the @ sign followed by a member's name in the text box, for example: "@Bob Smith" and this will populate their name as a tag. You will then need to click on their name when it appears as a tag in order to add it to your post. This is a great way to include members in a conversation or ensure they see your post.
13. What if my question wasn't answered here?
We encourage you to reach out to our team using this email address (support@pallium.ca) or phone number (1-833-888-5327). You can always find these supports at the bottom of the page.