Bonnie Tompkins posted in Normalizing Conversations
5 years ago CommunityTitle: Arts-based palliative care training, education and staff development: A scoping review (2017)
This article reviewed various art-based programs and found that learning through different art forms (role play, visual and fine art, stories, film, poetry, music, puppetry) was immersive and insightful. And this ultimately provided professionals with an in-depth understanding of patient and family experiences of end of life care in a humbling way.
While the programs in this article were intended for health professionals, art can also be a great way to engage and educate the broader community on experiences related to serious-illness, caregiving, dying, and grieving.
This article is not open access but can be accessed through:
DOI: 10.1177/0269216317712189Universities and colleges can be a great resource for accessing supportive articles that aren't open access through in-kind support, and this can be a partnership opportunity for your Compassionate Community initiative.